Science roadshow
The whole room two of blaketown school went to greyhigh high school to see science roadshow it was on the 14/7/17 it was really great. We all saw really cool science experiments there. We saw microscopes we also saw solar powered hotwheel car it had a light above it and it had a solar panel on it when you this week that the car was on the light would move it it's really cool. They had a hover car thing you sat on it and they pressed a button and it inflated. The high school kids would grab a metal bar and swing you around the ground but when it ran out of air it would deflate. My favorite thing there was the hovering car thing it was so fun but I nearly fell of.
There was like really heavy balls and really light balls. You had to put them on rails and you had to race them to see which one got there the fastest the small ones always got there the quickest because it was the weight difference this was the best day ever. There was this thing when you had different weights and you had to lift the heaviest one and then you had to press a button and it would be lighter.
At the end one of our year 8s went up to assist and also this guy had liquid nitridied he grabbed a flower and dipped it in the flask it was frozen then he scrunched it up and it was so loud. The year 8s name was Jess she went up and they dumped something into a test tube then it blasted fome everywhere but it’s real name is elephant's toothpaste.
Then said if you're ever doing science make sure that there is a parent supervising you.