Thursday, 9 March 2017

poem Metaphors

Poem Metaphors

I am slow as a sloth.
My best friend is fast as a cat running through the field.
I am as lazy as a pug.
My hair is like a forest big and strong.
My eyebrows are like  thorn bushes sharp and pointy
I have eyes like eagles they can see for miles.
I have a heart like a drum going boom boom boom.
I slide so smooth like I am oil.
P:\2017\Room 2\DSC02900.JPGI am as pale as paper.
My arms are like slinkies so stretchy.
I am tan as a pancake.
I am slime like a doormat.
I am as energised as a cheetah.
I am as strong as a bull as I buck people off.
My family are like a plant growing together my mum is the flower keeping us together I am the root my brother Tyler is the steam my other brother Jamie is the petals always getting broken.
I am as cute as a newborn lamb.
I am as happy as a puppy getting born.

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