Wednesday, 3 July 2019

animal communication

Lion’s use many different kinds of communicating like meaows, roars, grunting, moans, growls, snarls, puffs, woofs, purrs and each sound means a different word or a warning

Rabbits have a very complex language they talk to other rabbits they can also talk to humans with many different postiers your rabbit's personality and dialect and they say that the rabbits ears like the rabbits radar.

Monkeys most primates spend their lives in complex tightly woven societies and need to frequently communicate with each other they communicate with smells and sounds and visual messages and touching one another and that's how they talk

Cricket the bottom of the wing of the cricket with like teeth like ridges that make it rough the upper side of the wing is like a scraper and when they rub them together it makes a chirping sound and that is called stridalating and that's how they communicate

here I have made I list of how different animals communicate with each other and they do it very differently and I am very impressed about what I learnt.

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